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What’s the difference between a mordant and a modifier in dyeing?
Vinegar is not a mordant in dyeing. It is a modifier!
How I Became a Spinner
I like to share my story of how I came to spinning to help encourage new spinners. When we come to a new skill with curiosity, that’s when exciting things happen. I grew up in a small town in an era before the ease of internet information.
Adding Lanolin Back into a Project
There are benefits to adding lanolin back into textiles!
Unwind: Spin-In First Saturdays starting March 2
Come unwind, literally and figuratively! Visit the fiber studio every first Saturday from 10:00am-2:00pm for a social spin-in!
Optical Blending
Color is a fickle subject, especially in relation to fiber. That said, when we understand how things works, we become more adept at their use. One of the most important and often overlooked color tools we can put to work in our handspun repertoire is optical blending.